Meditation for the Masters Vip 2-Day Live Master Class and inner circle Nov 23 - 24th 2024. REGISTER NOW


I would put Deborah up against any highly recognized Ph.D. person in the mental sciences

The incomparable Deborah Berry is a profound and prolific speaker, talented writer, and creative producer. Deborah’s ability to inspire a person to look at themselves and within themselves for the answers to their issues and move them to “act” to get to the root of their issues is unparalleled. Her “Survivor Series” contains a plethora of information through videos and blogs that will enhance and reinforce the “I Can” attitude within you.

Deborah is a phenomenal talk show host!

While partnering on the Hallelujah Holla show on the KKVV airways in Las Vegas she gained the respect of Christians around the southern Nevada region. She has, in her own right, a global following that supports her and her work. Her videos are second to none, her voice-overs are superb, and her personality will literally draw you in, sit you down, and help you feel comfortable talking about your issues.

Pastor A.J. Watkins M.Div. Marine Veteran


"I learned more about myself in the past 6 months of coaching with Deborah than I have from 10 years of counseling and therapy combined"

My First Week

Deborah helped me sleep peacefully for the first time in several years through her soothing voice and beautiful meditations. She is an amazing life coach!


Michelle Williams, LinkedIn Influencer/Coach/Real Estate Brochure & Property Manager

woman in blue jacket smiling
woman in blue jacket smiling

Self-Reflection and Insight

A voice in the dark, a guide into the light; Deborah has this way of helping people see the truth about themselves in a compassionate and honest way. She brings you to an awakening, through a transformation of emotional blockages and mental clutter.

Debbie – Las Vegas

an older man wearing a hat in a kitchen
an older man wearing a hat in a kitchen
man wearing black collared top and yellow cap
man wearing black collared top and yellow cap

Divine Intervention

My road to enlightenment was made possible by Deborah… By divine intervention, God brought us to cross paths in the “nick” of time.

Mandell Wooden Photographer/Veteran

Deborah is gifted ~ A Shaman

I learned to “Trust Myself” – manifesting some amazing unexpected opportunities.

After 7 weeks of coaching, Deborah gave me the GREATEST GIFT! the ability to trust myself and stop searching outside myself for answers.

- Kris de Leon

Tragedy into Good to Help Others

When I heard Deborah Berry share her Story on the Never Say Impossible Show, I felt the deepness, sincerity, love, and strength, the will to go on and turn a tragedy into good to help others. It was powerful and deep. She is a sort-after celebrity in our circle.

- Stroke Survivor Bob Miller

Entreprenures & Practioners

Why is Deborah Highly Recommended by Professionals in her field?

Deborah can take one’s strengths and help you build them for a healthier and happier life. I am quite amazed at what little time it has taken to reach my goals and obtain better clarity about my dreams and aspirations. My new skills are helping me to be more insightful, more intuitive, and more compassionate in a very practical manner, with the ability to manage my time more effectively in my professional and personal life.

Mishawn Nelson – Entrepreneur, Retailer, and Holistic Healer.


woman riding on swing during sunset
woman riding on swing during sunset
Sensitivity Training

Disabilities and Special Needs Awareness –

Training for Staff and Management.

The concepts that Deborah Berry introduced at the training sessions were valuable to us. We are a public library, and so our staff works with patrons from all walks of life daily. The essential idea that anyone and everyone who faces challenges/disabilities, both seen and unseen, is vitally important to our public service staff in our goal of delivering outstanding customer service. These sessions reminded us to be compassionate and empathetic to our patrons.

Deborah’s training was thoughtful, relevant, and well-received by the staff. They were a great mix of discussions, sharing, and self-analysis. The structure was interesting and varied, and Ms. Berry presented the material through a variety of mediums to provide a high level of engagement for her students. Deborah is a pleasure to work with, and her communication skills are outstanding. She is a dedicated, passionate, and detail-oriented individual. She is knowledgeable and approachable, and I would recommend her to other organizations.

Paseo Verde Public Library Henderson Nevada. Manager J. Dalusung


Medical Professionals

I have seen some of the best life coaches in the business, Deborah is by far the best and very versatile.

Deborah mentally prepared me to open my new medical practice. She was also dedicated to helping me reach my personal goals to overcome a troublesome childhood. She has helped me be more in balance and address anxiety from a unique perspective. I highly recommend her.

Dr. Wen MD – Integrative Medicine/Acupuncture

a person holding a yellow flower
a person holding a yellow flower


Meditation, Hypnosis
& Healing

Trauma Healing and Spiritual Guidance

After being married a year we conceived our first child. Six months after my baby died in the first trimester my husband disappeared. We discovered he was murdered. A few weeks before my husband vanished I consulted Deborah to help me through my grief and the heartache I continued to experience from my childhood. There were days so incredibly sad I thought I would die myself. I was ripped in half.

Deborah has this way about her that is like no other coach or counselor I have gone to for emotional support. She is practical and guides you through the steps to be stronger and more centered, but her greatest gift is beyond words. There were days she lifted the veil of suffering from my entire body and guided me through a spiritual experience and meditation to let go of the pain - remarkable.

Elena. Nevada

white candle on brown wooden table
white candle on brown wooden table


One Session of Hypnosis,

Anxiety and Panic Attacks Never Returned!

I told Deborah about my panic attacks and the horrible 24-hour anxiety before having to hold my eyes closed during an eyelash treatment. After a 5-minute Hypnosis Instruction (over the phone) minutes before my treatment, the panic attacks and anxiety disappeared. They never returned!

Caroline Q – Australia


person holding black and silver scissors
person holding black and silver scissors
Veterans & Transition
Deborah Berry is a phenomenon that should not be taken lightly or overlooked in any facet of psychotherapy.

Her uncanny ability to reach into the minds of Veterans and encourage them to face the horrors that they harbor from warfare and the struggle to re-enter society is head and shoulders above many of her peers.

Veterans like myself who have been in her counseling sessions, have been immensely helped with face-to-face and video sessions. Her professional, ethical, and moral attitude inspires confidence to release the mental ills they may feel no one can handle. Deborah has the ability to handle any issue a veteran is dealing with. Her personal losses and survival parallel those losses that veterans have faced, and upon completion of a prescribed series of sessions with her, a veteran can adjust and move forward in their life.

- A.J. Watkins M.Div. Marine Veteran

minimalist photography of person standing near backpack and boots
minimalist photography of person standing near backpack and boots


Grief, Trauma & Abuse

Deborah is attracting the web of energy, a positive influence guiding us back to our healing hearts.

I am so blessed to have been in the right place at the right time recently, and I met YOU, a path on my journey to “undo” what they did to me, then what I “did” to myself after a horrific childhood. Thank you for trusting your intuition and writing out of the box, creating the best realistic and interactive self-help guide for us. Those of us who feel abandoned by society because of our damage/scars.

Survivor of sexual assault – Tori CA



focus photo of person wearing black leather jacket with brown scarf near sea during daytime
focus photo of person wearing black leather jacket with brown scarf near sea during daytime
Brain Injury & Stroke

Deborah Helps You Feel Normal Being You!

Deborah has a unique ability to really listen. She can see and hear you. She is incredibly patient and offers personal communication that is vital in helping a brain injury survivor find clarity. What I mean by personal is, that she meets you wherever you are, at that moment. Angry, confused, frustrated, or depressed. Deborah simplifies the complexities of trauma, and the “behavior challenges” we face... she doesn’t talk down to you and at the same time brings valuable insight and knowledge imperative to one's recovery and healing. She helps you end the internal war and guides you through the thoughts stuck in a revolving, vicious cycle TBI and stroke survivors go through.

The other area is trust... it is not easy to trust someone stuck in a broken brain, but Deborah helped me to trust and open up about what was going on inside myself. She helped me to understand the void and lack of cognitive activity that made communication so difficult. She helps you erase your judgments about yourself, and what it takes to accept what is near impossible to get your head around. Also,

Deborah helped me understand some of the spiritual aspects of myself surrounding my near-death experience contributing to the brain trauma.

She is a remarkable person, life coach, and brain injury advocate.

Matt Duffin Brain Injury Survivor, Former Navy,

Professional Journalist,

Host of Brain Mechanics Public Broadcast TV and Brain Injury Radio.


Childhood Trauma and Adult Brain Injury

Deborah is one of the kindest, giving, loving, considerate, caring women on the planet. I have been to many therapists throughout my life, and she is better than all of them combined. She is a great coach.

I have known Deborah Berry for over 13 years. I have grown and advanced because of her unique combination of skills in coaching. She is a rare gem and incredible beyond belief. She is a blessing. Hire her in a heartbeat you won't regret it for a second!!!

Childhood Trauma; Deborah helped me with a family history of extreme abuse, brain trauma, severe PTSD, and how to deal with it all. She helped me put things into perspective, see life differently, and stop blaming myself. My self-esteem was low, she has taught me new ways how to love and be kind to myself through self-talk and compassion. An ongoing process I continue to practice to help myself grow.

Health Challenges; I thought I had the flu (COVID) a few times and panicked. She helped me read and understand my body. Deborah reminded me to look at my lousy diet and blood sugar levels to maintain a healthier lifestyle. She is very knowledgeable about holistic methods, supplements, alternative healthcare options, and how to avoid unnecessary medications and trips to the ER.

Business Coach; Deborah inspired me to turn my love for dogs into a dog-sitting business. She has been a tremendous help in working from the birth of an idea to managing the finer details, and constructing marketing materials and strategies to increase profitability. I love what I do and being paid for it.

- Cindy Wilson


girl leaning on floral wall
girl leaning on floral wall


What A Huge wake-up call I Learned About My New Home and Myself...

After moving into our new home, I felt a wave of excitement and hope for our future as a married couple. However, that joy quickly turned to despair when a feng shui expert advised us to sell the house, deeming it unlucky and a source of potential unhappiness.

Just when I thought all was lost, my acupuncturist referred me to Ms. Berry. Meeting her was a turning point; she helped me identify the underlying obstacles in my life and how they were intertwined with my limiting beliefs. With her guidance, I discovered a path to empowerment and a proactive approach to life that I had never envisioned before. Now, I feel equipped to face challenges head-on, transforming my home into a sanctuary of positivity and growth.

- J Peterson


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white round table with 2 chairs
Energy Healing

Deborah Raises Your Vibration

There are many trauma coaches and counselors out there, some I have seen, but Deborah is unique. It isn’t so much about her life experience with multiple traumas, her compassion, or that she is an excellent coach.

Deborah has this way about her that is beyond words. It is something you have to experience for yourself to truly understand what I am trying to convey. She lifts you out of negative vibes with her healing presence.

She is a light on a dark path that can make a difference to your life direction, and help you light your own lantern.

Rachel Myer - Trauma and Addiction - Regenerative Medicine/Esthetician

woman in gray turtle neckline top holding black camping lantern
woman in gray turtle neckline top holding black camping lantern


Inspirational Speaker
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“You Sing Like An Angel.”

The inspiration you instill in us cannot be measured with words alone. My inspiration to return to the art of my trade as a golf course shaper for the good of others to carry it on is how I can pay it forward.

Seeing your endless tenacity has taken me back over the rainbow, Knowing that you have experienced what others only hear or read about.

"Inspirational words from you have helped the healing process and given me a clearer vision to follow my dreams.”

With heartfelt gratitude,

Daniel Gadd: Stroke Survivor.

“Moving and Compelling”

Her beautiful statue lit up the stage. I was captivated by Deborah’s powerful, compassionate, and soothing voice. “You had me riveted and key into every word.”

As a brain injury survivor and partly blind I lose attention and the ability to focus, and often drift experiencing anxiety to get up and leave. Deborah represents wholeness and goodness. She speaks from the essence of a mother’s love; strong and nurturing filled with compassion, hope, and love.

When I heard her sing “Over the Rainbow,” I first thought it was a recording, it was like Judy Garland was with us. -Ana CA
